Carbon fiber is a vital synthetic material that’s important for many different manufacturing industries. With the ability to significantly strengthen products while also being lightweight, this luxury material sees a lot of use within the aerospace, military, and even medical industries. The carbon fiber market was valued at $2.6 billion in 2019 and is estimated...Continue Reading
Over 2 million Americans are living with limb loss. 65% are living with lower limb (leg, toes, or foot) amputations, and 35% have lost an upper limb ( hand, arm, or fingers). Due to illness and injury, 185,000 amputations happen in the United States yearly. Some adapt and live without prosthetics. Others choose carbon fiber...Continue Reading
Ever since Roger Bacon discovered graphite whiskers in 1958, carbon fiber has become a mainstream option. Carbon fiber is used in high-performance applications ranging from airplanes and automobiles to satellites and even sporting goods. Carbon fiber was set to take the world by storm and even challenge fiberglass as one of the top textiles. The only reason fiberglass has held...Continue Reading