
What Is Unidirectional Carbon Fiber?

What if the perfect fiber for your manufacturing and engineering needs was something you knew nothing about? Unidirectional carbon fiber is a real game-changer for manufacturing, engineering, and more. Unfortunately, many companies don’t know much about this fiber or its advantages. Wondering what unidirectional carbon fiber can do for you? Keep reading to discover the […]

The Most Popular Composite Fabrication Methods

By 2024, the global market size of composites will be about $130.83 billion. The primary reinforcing material in the U.S. is glass fiber. In 2017, it recorded a growth value of $2.1 billion. There is a growing demand for robust, durable, and lightweight materials. Many industries are turning to composites to find reinforcements of a […]

How the Leading Composite Manufacturers Are Influencing the Medical Industry

Composite Manufacturers Composites, materials that only have to contain two or more natural or artificial substances, are all around us. The only other requirement is that the elements must have different characteristics, either physical or chemical. Composite materials are in our bathtubs, our doors, our desks, our window frames, and several other places that we frequent or use […]

What to Look For In Composites Manufacturers

Composites manufacturers are apart of our everyday lives whether we realize it or not. They are manufacturing composites for the cars we drive, the pipes in our homes, and much more. Composites offer their own set of benefits, be it their strength, design, lightweight, or durability and knowing what to look for in composite manufactures […]

Why Carbon Fiber Car Parts Are the #1 Choice In Auto Racing

You have probably seen it, the distinctive black pattern on high-performance cars. All high-performance race cars spot the black carbon fiber pattern that is a hallmark of performance. But, have you ever asked yourself why auto racing uses carbon fiber parts? In the high-performance environment of auto racing, a carbon fiber car can mean the difference between winning […]

A Deep Dive into the Applications of Aerospace Composites

Most companies in these times are trying to come up with products that cause little or no harm to the environment. The aerospace industry is no different. There are stricter environmental regulations put in place to control the amounts of emission by planes. The rise of fuel prices has also been a key stimulator for […]